26 053 089Trees planted

Au-delà de la qualité de nos meubles sur mesure, BeHome Interiors est résolument impliqué dans la sauvegarde de l’environnement avec la sylviculture durable et la réduction de notre impact carbone.


Dans cette démarche éco-responsable et de gestion durable, nous nous associons à Reforest’Action avec l’opération « 1.000€ de commande = 1 arbre planté » dans le but de soutenir des projets qui ont du sens pour l’environnement mais également pour les populations locales.

Check out our forests on the map :

  • Project in progress
  • Closed project
{{ map }}

{{ codeRA.emetteur.nom_page_profile_emetteur != '' ? codeRA.emetteur.nom_page_profile_emetteur : codeRA.emetteur.nom_emetteur }} has offered you

{{ getValueDataAttribute('data-min-trees') }} tree(s) to plant

{{ codeRA.emetteur.zone1 }}

{{ codeRA.emetteur.zone2 }}

Choose where to plant your tree

{{ infos.commun.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s)

planted by in this forest

{{ infos.commun.countTrees | numberFormatting }}

tree(s) already planted

Benefits created by the trees already planted

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.climat | numberFormatting }} ton(s) of CO2 stored

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.biodiversity | numberFormatting }} shelter(s) for animals created

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.health | numberFormatting }} month(s) of oxygen generated

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.employment | numberFormatting }} hour(s) of work created

{{ getValueDataAttribute('data-min-trees') }} tree(s) to plant

Choose where to plant your trees

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project
I plant here

A tree = {{ project.prix }} $ tax inclusive

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project

Project benefits

  • Climate {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.climat | numberFormatting }} ton(s) of CO2 stored

  • Biodiversity {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.biodiversity | numberFormatting }} shelter(s) for animals created

  • Health {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.health | numberFormatting }} month(s) of oxygen generated

  • Employment {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.employment | numberFormatting }} hour(s) of work created

They take part to the projects

Number of Reforest'actors :5


BeHome Interiors c’est une solution pour les particuliers et les professionnels qui souhaitent aménager leurs espaces intérieurs. BeHome Interiors c’est aussi un réseau d’architectes d’intérieur avec 11 showrooms en France, Belgique, Suisse et Luxembourg. Nous vous accompagnons de A à Z, de la conception à la réalisation de votre projet d’aménagement d’intérieur, de meubles et de cuisines sur mesure. BeHome Interiors, l’assurance de la sérénité, en plus.

News from the field

Senegal: raising awareness of forest restoration among schoolchildrenAhead of the reforestation project, which aims to plant 1.3 million trees in three years in the Fatick region of Senegal, an environmental education program is being set up to raise awareness among sc

The environmental education program is being deployed through several visits by Nebeday teams to the 100 schools associated with the project. After an initial visit to mobilize teachers and inform parents, activities with schoolchildren began at the end of 2021 with the participatory creation of

Côte d’Ivoire: the reforestation and creation of agroecosystems continuesSince the beginning of the project, 204,426 trees have been planted to restore forest plots and set up agroecosystems, a figure revealing of the efforts made to counter the loss of the county’s forest

Côte d'Ivoire is one of the most deforested countries in the world, a situation caused by agriculture ( notably cocoa cultivation), logging (to supply the population with firewood) but by the expansion of infrastructures.  In order to support the Ministry of Water and For

Photos of the projects