26 053 046Trees planted

Diversity of Life Supporting the Ecological Balance of Forests

What is at stake in terms of preserving the diversity of life in our forests? If this depends on the fragile equilibrium of forest ecosystems, the loss of a single species causes upheavals across its entire environment. Biodiversity preservation and ecosystem conservation are therefore closely linked.

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biodiversity - Biodiversity Loss - Extinction of Species - déforestation - Life

Sources of Biodiversity Loss in Forests

Deforestation, overexploitation of species, global warming: these three main factors in forest animal biodiversity loss (in other words, the loss of diversity of animal species living in forests), are reflective of the impact humans have on the environment around them

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biodiversity - Biodiversity Loss - Extinction of Species - déforestation - Life

Forests have superpowers !

Forests are allies of humanity. They are essential to the preservation of social and ecological balances and they provide us with many invaluable services every day. They have a preponderant role for the climate and biodiversity, for the economy, for the protection of our soils and territories, for water and food resources and for our health. However, their benefits are often unknown... On the occasion of the Forest Month, discover all the superpowers of trees and forests !

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sensibilization - benefits of trees - climate - biodiversity - wood - health - forest month

Bureau Veritas and its employees contribute to reforestation throughout the world

Bureau Veritas commits in favor of reforestation with Reforest’Action through projects spread over six countries and five continents. The world leader in testing, inspection and certification services (TIC) finances the plantation of 6 250 trees in 2019. Moreover, for each tree planted by one of its collaborators, the company will plant one more.

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trees - biodiversity - Bureau Veritas - reforestation

Focus on the mangrove!

Essential tree in the intertropical regions, both for men and the biodiversity it shelters, the mangrove tree is now threatened by human activities and global warming. Let's discover more about the mangrove, what it offers and why it should be protected.

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mangrove - forest - Tree - reforestation - biodiversity

Italy: more than 30 000 trees planted in Tuscany

In order to restore the Pomino forest to its original diversity, more than 30 000 trees were planted in April 2019.

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trees - biodiversity - Italy - wolves - Sylva Nova - Adeo