26 053 087Trees planted

Co-founded by Reforest'Action and the Open Diplomacy Institute, the first edition of the Global Forest Summit took place on March 12, 2021. With
a ten-year ambition in 2022, as an internationally led civil society initiative, the GFS aims to bring
together forest stakeholders to call on public and private leaders to accelerate action on the protection, restoration,
sustainable management and financing of forest ecosystems by 2030.


Baseline Global Forest Summit 2022



The Summit is intended to be the annual global forestry meeting, notably to place forests at the top of the international
agenda and to report on progress made, in line with key commitments and targets made by many actors in the
international community on issues such as combating deforestation, forest restoration, sustainable
forest management and forest financing.



The first edition of the GFS brought together 40 leaders from federal and local governments, international organizations,
multinational companies, NGOs and local communities and no less than 3,300
participants from over 150 countries.



Banniere Global Forest Summit 2022



The summit will mark an annual institutional advocacy event for forest protection and restoration, with each edition
assessing the past year's actions and progress to 2030 in order to guide the actions of public and private decision-makers and
mobilize the forces to meet international commitments. 
In addition to monitoring these main commitments, new themes may be addressed each year.


See you on March 24, 2022 online for this new edition of the Global Forest Summit.





Replay of the 2021 edition of the Global Forest Summit.
To learn more about the 2022 edition, please visit 


Global Forest Summit,
a civil society initiative co-founded by