Project description
Reforest'Action is working in collaboration with Génération Masoala Madagascar association to create a community nursery and provide the populaiton marketable tree seedlings and reforest plots of land.
Project in a blink
- Number of trees to be plant : about 10 000
- Plantation areas : about 30 hectares
- Species to plant : Canarium madagascariensis, Eucalyptus maculata, Acacia mangium, Intsia bijuga, Dalbergia lebbeck, Hexandra natoheki, Grevillea robusta ,Tamarindus indica, Giroflier, Cocoa tree, Coffee tree
- Project type : community nursery and reforestation of degraded forest
Context and stakes
Preservation takes place in the Masoala Peninsula on the outskirts of the natural park of the same name, classified by Unesco and rich in a great diversity of endemic fauna and flora. The municipality Fokontany of Ambatobe, engages with Génération Masoala Madagascar association to set up a community nursery. It is supported by 3 trained nurserymen and local volunteers.
The stakes of this operation are multiple. The nursery production is communal, it is open to local inhabitants who invest themselves to produce plants with a varied future. Some of the trees will be planted in plots for reforestation, others will be planted in the inhabitants homes to produce various fruits.The different species will provide the population marketable products and promote a local economy. In addition, the establishment of fast-growing trees will reduce pressure on wild forest by creating an energy source.
World Bank reports shows a declining afforestation rate since the 90s, reducing from 23.5% to 21.5% of the country's area. In addition to these figures, the reality on the ground shows a fragmentation of natural spaces. Madagascar is considered as one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots. The island welcomes approximately 14,000 endemic species (no one can find anywhere else) of plants, primates, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
News from the field
Madagascar : supporting coffee and cloves production through agroforestryOver the past weeks, up to 10.000 trees, funded by Reforest'Action, rooted through the agrofore
Over the past weeks, up to 10.000 trees, funded by Reforest'Action, rooted through the agroforestry system in the village of Ambatobe.