26 053 471Trees planted

Planting different tree species to reforest the planet is a vital challenge to combat climate change and restore biodiversity. At the same time, we all need to act upstream by reducing our footprint on the forest to help limit global deforestation that partially fuels climate change. Reducing our carbon footprint is also necessary, in particular because global warming has a lasting effect on the health of forests.


Every year, 13 million hectares of forests disappear around the world according to the FAO. The equivalent of the surface of England. Simple everyday actions allow you to reduce your impact on the forest and the risk of contributing to deforestation. In 2018, WWF identified four priority commodities (soybean, palm oil, cocoa, and natural rubber) to act on, mainly imported into France from countries at high risk of deforestation. We propose to act on three of these subjects, those for which the means of individual actions are the simplest to implement.

I diversify my diet by consuming vegetable proteins


Industrial agriculture accounts for two-thirds of deforestation in Latin America, mainly because of the conversion of land for soybean production and livestock. While almost 75% of the soy produced in the world is used to feed animals, France imports 4.8 million tonnes of soybean each year, 78% of which are at risk of deforestation according to the WWF.


Reducing my consumption of animal protein (meat, eggs and dairy products), is to help limit the production of soy potentially resulting from deforestation. To reduce my footprint on the forest by diversifying my diet, I replace all or part of the animal proteins with vegetable proteins that I find in different foods such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc. Learn more

I reduce my consumption of palm oil


The development of palm oil cultivation is associated with deforestation. In 2016, a study revealed, for example, that 45% of the oil palm plantations studied in South-East Asia had been in deforested areas since 1989. However, each year France imports almost one million tonnes of oil. of whom 84% are at risk of deforestation according to the WWF.


50% of the products processed in the supermarket contain palm oil, palm kernel oil, and their derivatives. In addition, two-thirds of French imports of palm oil (raw or refined) are used to make biofuels found in particular in diesel. In fact, to reduce my footprint on the forest, I limit my consumption of processed dishes by cooking my dishes myself with ideally local, organic and seasonal products. If I change cars, I choose a vehicle other than diesel. Learn more

I opt for responsible chocolate


As a raw material for chocolate, cocoa is grown in 62 countries for an annual world production of 4.5 million tonnes. This is, according to WWF, associated with deforestation in the main producing countries in West Africa and South America. France imports 0.46 million tonnes of cocoa per year, of which 56% are at risk of deforestation.


To reduce my footprint on the forest via cocoa, I limit my consumption of processed chocolate products that usually contain lower quality chocolate. I also opt, as much as possible, for products with ecological and social certification, such as Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade. Learn more


Because 20% of human-caused CO2 emissions are linked to forest degradation, deforestation contributes to climate change. In turn, global warming affects the health of forests, particularly through the development of droughts, the frequency, and intensity of which will increase during the current century. Limiting its individual impact on the climate by reducing its CO2 emissions also means protecting the world's forests. In addition to the previous actions, we propose to act on the main line of individual CO2 emissions in France: transport.

I promote sustainable mobility


The use of the car is the main CO2 emission part of a French, with 2 tons per year, or more than 16% of the individual carbon footprint. Air travel represents around 4% of the 12 tonnes of CO2 corresponding to the average carbon footprint of a French citizen.


To reduce my carbon footprint during my urban trips, I opt for public transport or cycling. For more distant journeys, I choose as much as possible the train or carpooling rather than the plane. Learn more