26 056 300Trees planted

Eurostar celebrates its 25th anniversary by planting forests with

For its 25th anniversary, the famous train linking Paris to London is reinforcing its environmental commitment with a series of measures aimed in particular at reforesting European forests with Reforest'Action.

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Eurostar - train - transport - reforestation - Tree - plantation - forests - Europe

Focus on the mangrove!

Essential tree in the intertropical regions, both for men and the biodiversity it shelters, the mangrove tree is now threatened by human activities and global warming. Let's discover more about the mangrove, what it offers and why it should be protected.

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mangrove - forest - Tree - reforestation - biodiversity

100,000 Reforest'Actors: the world's largest digital community of tree planters

For almost 10 years now, Reforest’Action is gathering private individuals and companies in a vast reforestation project in France and in the world. This unique participative plantation system has founded a real community of small and big planters, which has just welcomed its 100 000th Reforest’Actor.

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Tree - forest - planting - Reforest'Action - subscriber

Last minute Holiday gift: offer a tree!

New gift, green and sustainable

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Gift - Tree - Sustainable