26 053 046Trees planted

Ecosystem restoration: 5 questions about the Great Green Wall of the Sahel region

Since 2007, the Great Green Wall project, led by the African Union, aims to fight against the spread of the desert by restoring natural ecosystems within a 15 km wide and 7,800 km long strip that crosses eleven Sahelian countries. Originally conceived as a vegetal barrier to hold the desert back, the project now has a broader approach: sustainable management and restoration of these arid ecosystems. Fifteen years after its launch, how is the Great Green Wall evolving? What challenges does it face and what are its future prospects? Discover the project through five questions.

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Forest Culture - Ecosystem restoration - Great Green Wall - désertification

Pierre Hermans : "The European forest is multifunctional by nature"

Although European forests do not face the same challenges as tropical forests do, they are nonetheless affected by degradation phenomena, caused, in particular, by climate change. What roles do European forests play in our lives and what challenges do they face? Why do they need to be restored to ensure their sustainability and multifunctionality ? Pierre Hermans, consultant and specialist in European projects for Reforest'Action, shares his expertise and reminds us that the continuous search for forest balance is what makes his job so interesting.

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European forests - reforestation in Europe - forest degradation - forest multifunctionality

Forests have superpowers !

Forests are allies of humanity. They are essential to the preservation of social and ecological balances and they provide us with many invaluable services every day. They have a preponderant role for the climate and biodiversity, for the economy, for the protection of our soils and territories, for water and food resources and for our health. However, their benefits are often unknown... On the occasion of the Forest Month, discover all the superpowers of trees and forests !

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sensibilization - benefits of trees - climate - biodiversity - wood - health - forest month

The threats facing forests

The forest is a common heritage, oh-so necessary for humanity but highly threatened. In spite of a collective awareness, tropical forests continue to be victims of intensive deforestation, mainly due to our consumption patterns. At the same time, forests in temperate zones are affected by hazards which are only increasing and directly linked to climate change. On the occasion of the "Forest Month", learn more about the two main types of threats facing the world's forests.​

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sensibilization - déforestation - forest degradation - climate hazards - forest month

Act every day to preserve forests

The demand linked to our consumption patterns is pushing farmers outside our borders and can lead to deforestation. But it doesn't have to be that way ! We can all take action in our daily lives. Acting for the forests means being more aware of what we are buying, as well as consuming less and better by choosing production methods that do not lead to deforestation.​

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awareness - forest month - eco-friendly actions

Contribute to restoring and expanding forests

If changing our habits is necessary to preserve our forests, it is also as essential to restore and extend them. Participating in reforestation projects means, first of all, helping to meet the main global challenges that will shape the future of humanity : climate change and the erosion of biodiversity.

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forest month - restoring forests - plantation - reforestation

All you need is green

The human eye perceives the green color better than any other color. It may be because our ancestors lived in the forest. Today, we know that trees and plants help mitigate the effects of climate change. But the benefits of all that is green also extend to health! Here are 5 reasons why we all need green in our life!

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green - color - health - symbol

The forest, natural climate solution #1!

Nature alone is able to reduce 37% of CO2 emissions by 2030, according to an American study. And among these natural climatic solutions, the forest holds the first place!

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natural climate solution - forest - nature - CO2 - climate change