26 056 300Trees planted

What is biodiversity? Definition and issues.

What is biodiversity? Definition and issues.

Biodiversity degradation and ecosystem collapse are among the top five global risks to society in the next decade. Understanding both the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning and the main causes of biodiversity loss allows us to consider future challenges and potential actions to conserve biodiversity.

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biodiversity - diversity - ecosystem functions - living organisms - animals - plants - forests

Partnership signed between Reforest'Action & the Global Biodiversity Standard (GBS). An international standard in favor of biodiversity

Partnership signed between Reforest'Action & the Global Biodiversity Standard (GBS). An international standard in favor of biodiversity.

Reforest'Action has been part of the Global Biodiversity Standard (GBS) consortium since November 2022. As an international standard under construction, it encourages the protection, restoration and enhancement of biodiversity in tree planting and tree ecosystem restoration programs.

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biodiversity - forest - Ecosystems - animals - plants - GBS