26 056 300Trees planted

Amazonia, Siberia, Indonesia, Boreal regions… Understanding the different types of fires

Over the recent years, forest fires have been multiplying all over the world, causing major damages for biodiversity and Humankind. According to a study published in 2016 by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists discovered - for the first time - a link between the rise of temperatures and the increase of fires frequency and intensity in the American Wild West. In 2019, the European Union's Earth observation programme Copernicus estimated that an average 11 hectares of land were burnt every second in the world..

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fire - wildfire - climate change

In Spain, our project to restore burned forests carries on!

Here is news of our large project to restore fire-damaged forests, which we have been supporting since 2017 in the province of Palencia and surrounding areas in northern Spain with our partner Sylva Nova.

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forest - fire - biodiversity - species diversity