Developing certified carbon projects

Finance the creation of plantation-based carbon sinks designed to generate co-benefits for biodiversity and local communities.

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Plan ahead for your long-term climate strategy

This major solution involves financing the development of new plantation-based forest carbon sequestration projects that are designed to generate carbon credits over an average period of up to 30 years.

Added value for the company:

Accommodates an ambitious long-term strategy
Safeguards the price and volume of carbon credits over time
Be a project stakeholder and follow development closely

Projects promoting forest multifunctionality

While the carbon objective is a prerequisite, it must not be an end to itself. Carbon projects developed by Reforest'Action combine the carbon impact with the promotion of biodiversity and the co-benefits for local populations, which we consider to be an integral part of an ecosystem’s stability.

Labels and Certifications

All our projects are rigorously selected in accordance with best international practices.

Verified Carbon Standard
One of the most recognized international standards, VCS certifies that carbon credits comply with essential quality criteria (additionality, measurability, etc.).
Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standard
Standard that certifies that land use produces both real and significant benefits for the climate, biodiversity and local communities.
High credibility global standard that aims at climate security and sustainable development for all, focusing on fairness, reliability, conservativeness and pragmatism.
As a pioneer in carbon accounting, this standard serves as an experienced offset registry for global carbon markets, supporting environmental and community co-benefits derived by high-quality offset projects.
To find out more about financing development projects
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Priority is given to ARR, ALM or WRC projects.

We focus our efforts on developing ARR, ALM and WRC projects. Developing these projects takes longer, is more complex and more expensive but has the advantage of demonstrating more concretely the benefits generated in terms of carbon storage. These are not avoided emissions but concrete storage that would not have been effective without plantation.

Afforestation, Reforestation, Revegetation

The term ARR refers to projects that make it possible to develop forest carbon sinks by creating, increasing and/or restoring the cover crop of various ecosystems through planting or assisted natural regeneration. The aim of these projects is to generate carbon credits over time.

  • Afforestation: involves creating forests on land that has been without forest cover for at least 50 years.
  • Reforestation: involves creating forests on land that has been without forest cover for at least 10 years, but has been forested in the more distant past.
  • Revegetation: increases the cover crop over a minimum area of 0.05 hectares without achieving forest status, or densifying existing forests.
Agriculture Land Management

ALM projects aim to increase carbon stocks in soils and carbon sequestration in wood biomass, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to agriculture by implementing sustainable agricultural practices. These practices, such as agroforestry, improved management of manure and organic residues, reduced tillage, or even the rational use of chemical inputs, also make it possible for greater environmental resilience and limit the degradation of arable land.

Wetlands Restoration and Conservation

The WRC category includes many wetlands such as salt marshes, peat bogs and mangroves. Reforest'Action’s project focuses solely on restoring mangroves.

Mangroves are specific forest ecosystems based on mangrove trees found at the interface between the sea and the land. Mangroves have a carbon storage capacity up to four times greater than terrestrial forests, making them a strong ally in the fight against climate change. As well as this, they can stabilize the coastline, protect the coast against storms, reduce erosion thereby protecting marine ecosystems. They also help to maintain fishing and are a wood resource.

A carbon project’s development phases


2 weeks

Objectives: Check that the project complies with Reforest'Action’s specifications and deliver an initial project description.


2 to 4 weeks

Objectives: Complete due diligence, specify the potential eligible surface area and issue a first carbon sequestration estimate.


3 to 5 months

Objectives: Design the project by specifying standards, methodologies, key certification and monitoring elements including financial modeling.


6 to 9 months

Objectives: Refine preliminary analyses, consult with local stakeholders, prepare the PPDs, implement the project and training locally.


Up to 30 years

Objectives: Monitoring phase (on site and remote via satellite) by Reforest'Action and project validation, verification and issue of carbon credits every 5 years by third-party organizations.