Buying carbon credits
promoting forest multifunctionality for the climate, biodiversity and local communities.
Contact usHit your short-term carbon targets
We can offer - alongside emission reduction actions in your core business - to contribute to your forest preservation projects (REDD+) via carbon credits from already certified projects.
We handle register enrollment and support you in promoting your commitment using appropriate communication tools.
Added-value of nature-based solutions
These projects not only contribute to addressing the major societal issues of climate, but also biodiversity and human wellbeing. In addition, they are essential for sustainable economic development. It’s only possible for nature to provide sustainable resources through healthy ecosystems.
Buying carbon credits from nature-based projects goes above and beyond the objectives of global carbon neutrality by creating added environmental and societal value.
Reforest'Action’s commitment
REDD+ projects (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) in many world regions: South America, Asia, Africa.
Projects go above and beyond carbon impact and promote forest multifunctionality. They focus on biodiversity and local communities and benefit - mainly - from additional CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity) or SD Vista certification labels.
Projects are certified by strict and internationally recognized standards that are in line with SBTI and Net Zero Initiative approaches. In addition, Reforest'Action submits projects to a selection and verification process to guarantee their legitimacy.
Because communication is a major challenge in your Climate plan, Reforest'Action helps you communicate in a fair and responsible way to promote your project.
Certifications and labels
All our projects are rigorously selected in accordance with best international practices.
What is a REDD+ project?
A Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation project.
REDD+ projects deployed in tropical areas are preservation strategies for existing forests threatened by deforestation. The international mechanism implemented by the UN aims to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by conserving forest carbon reserves, sustainably managing forests and increasing forest carbon stocks. Financing these projects also brings multiple benefits in favor of biodiversity and enables communities to protect forests while developing profitable and sustainable activities such as selling products from forests, eco-tourism, agroforestry, etc.