Financing projects in France (Label-Bas Carbone)

to sustain forests in France with projects certified by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition with high added value on diversity.

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Contributing to France’s objectives

The Low Carbon Label means you can contribute locally to global carbon neutrality via projects that are part of the SBTI and Net Zero Initiatives approaches while officially participating in France’s Greenhouse Gas reductions.

What is the Low Carbon Label?

The low-carbon label (label bas carbone in French) is France’s official certification scheme for greenhouse gas reduction or sequestration projects carried out on its territory. Created by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, the aim of the Low Carbon Label is to promote territorial stakeholders who contribute to the National Low Carbon Strategy. This label applies especially to forest projects. While the label mainly promotes carbon sequestration, projects supported by Reforest’Action also generate many socio-economic and environmental co-benefits.

Reforest'Action, the pioneer in developing Low Carbon Label projects

Reforest'Action develops its own low carbon certified projects through its huge network of project promoters in France and via two types of projects: afforestation and reforestation.


Extending forest cover on abandoned agricultural, overgrown or pasture areas.


Restoring forests affected by natural hazards: disease, storms, drought, etc.

Specific features of Reforest'Action-developed projects

  • Special attention is paid to diversifying tree species: 3 minimum and, on average, 7 per project, preferably mixed, to promote reinforcing biodiversity and resisting hazards and therefore the ecosystem’s stability.
  • Conventional tillage is prohibited, which limits the release of carbon into the atmosphere and disturbing soil fauna.
  • Special attention is paid to maintaining and installing leafy borders at plot edges to ensure ecological continuity.
  • A ban on planting intrusive/invasive species.
  • Remote and field follow-ups take place up to the 5-year audit.

Take action with Reforest'Action

Professionalism guaranteed

Reforest'Action gets involved in projects from the design phase to up to 30 years owing to its development of a unique monitoring tool.

Biodiversity added value

Reforest'Action draws on demanding specifications that go above and beyond the criteria imposed by the Ministry and that highlight Biodiversity.

A large portfolio of projects

Reforest'Action counts on a wide local network of trusted project promoters developed over many years.

Communicate with confidence

Reforest'Action helps you promote your processes through fair and responsible communication.

To find out more about the Low Carbon Label
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Get to know the principle of our low carbon certified projects

Our low carbon certified forestry projects make it possible to sustainably store atmospheric carbon through the planting of trees, the afforestation of plots of land or the reconstitution of degraded forests. These “Tons of CO2 equivalent” are calculated over 30 years by calculating the difference between:

  • The project scenario, i.e. the tons of CO2 that will be stored over 30 years owing to the project on a given plot;
  • The reference scenario, i.e. the tons of CO2 that would have been stored over 30 years by the same plot if the project hadn’t been implemented.

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