For the past 3 years, we have been supporting the rebuilding of the mangroves on the island of Sumatra, which has been particularly affected by deforestation. More than 220,000 mangrove trees have been planted since 2017. Find out all the news about our project!

Restoring the mangrove
In 1987, North Sumatra had 200,000 hectares of mangrove. Today, less than half of it remains with only 83,000 hectares. This massive deforestation is mainly due to anthropogenic pressure: the mangrove is being converted into areas for intensive shrimp and fish farming, and illegally harvested for firewood or charcoal.
It is in this context that our project, coordinated in the field by our technical partner Yagasu, an Indonesian NGO, takes on its full meaning. By planting 5 different species of mangroves (the species that constitutes the mangrove swamp or forest) and by conducting workshops to raise awareness among villagers to train them in mangrove protection, Yagasu is enabling concrete work to be done to reconstitute this unique source of biodiversity, essential to the protection of the island's coastlines.
Since the beginning of our project in 2017, we have financed the planting of more than 220,000 mangrove trees, amounting to more than 183 hectares of mangrove forest restored. And the project is still going, thanks to the thousands of seedlings that are currently maturing in nurseries.

Adapting to field conditions
In the field, our partner Yagasu has to deal with high tides, which can drown some seedlings, and the abuse caused to young trees by barnacles, small marine life that parasitize mangrove trees. In order to solve the problems faced, Yagasu is mobilizing alongside the inhabitants of the villages. The trees that did not make it through the planting season last year were replaced this winter by 20,000 seedlings of another species of mangrove tree, more resistant to barnacle.

Develop new planting sites
In addition to the surroundings of the Sicanang and Lubuk Kertang villages, a new planting site was invested this spring with the planting of 10,000 mangrove trees around the village of Kuala Langsa, thanks to the involvement of 25 local communities very much committed to the project.

Contribute to the restoration of the mangrove forest in Sumatra!