Our impact management process has been digitized and we have developed an MRV (Measurement, Reporting & Verification) platform. The aim is to offer investors a tool that provides centralized, selected information on nature-based projects, their monitoring and relative impacts over time. This tool will enable investors to demonstrate the value generated by these nature-based solutions, using key performance indicators and reliable, traceable and verifiable data.

A data collection, analysis and reporting tool
The MRV platform developed by Reforest'Action aims to collect, analyze and report reliable and verifiable data on the implementation, monitoring and impact measurement of our Nature-based Solutions. It enables us to combine all our impact management tools and report the results of project monitoring in the field and by remote sensing, in complete transparency.
The platform also provides impact projections, i.e. modeling and assessment of impacts prior to implementation, enabling us to gain information on projects, adjust their design, implement adaptive management measures and assess their level of performance over the long term.
Our MRV platform relies both on the collection of data from the field (type of species planted, nature of activities carried out in the field, impact on local communities, etc.) and from satellite imagery (forest cover density, actual carbon sequestration by above-ground biomass, number of trees in place, stand health, etc.).
It offers a solution that meets both the needs of project development and the transparency requirements of the companies that finance them:
- In the back office, Project Data Management enables our teams to manage projects, from identification to field monitoring, by centralizing all project-related data (design, audit reports, satellite measurements, etc.).
- In the front office, the dashboard can be used to display project-related key performance indicators (KPIs) for companies committed to monitoring the impact of the solutions they finance.

A tool that meets the growing need for transparency and reporting
Ultimately, Reforest'Action's MRV platform is intended to link all project stakeholders to improve transparency and add value, including in the field. In its first version, available at the end of 2024, it is dedicated to project financiers and provides key performance indicators and impact data, facilitating the monitoring of investments and reporting required by certification frameworks such as the CSRD.
It meets the market's need for transparent, robust and reliable data, addressing the following needs:
- ensuring companies comply with regulatory frameworks (CSRD, Net Zero, etc.)
- supporting companies' reputations and their need to demonstrate the impacts of the NbS they finance
- providing a clear return on investment (ROI) for financed solutions
Our impact monitoring approach, supported by our digital data reporting tool, enables us not only to work for the health of restored ecosystems, but also to make Nature-based Solutions a reliable impact investment solution.
Are you a company looking to invest in Nature-based Solutions and benefit from a tool that enables you to demonstrate the value generated by these projects? Contact one of our experts to discuss your needs.