Located in the northern part of Peru, the Piura region has an extremely arid climate. The dry soils, on which the breeders and farmers live, are threatened by erosion. Thanks to funding from Reforest'Action, 500,000 trees of various species have been planted since January in order to breathe new life into this region affected by desertification.

Why plant trees in the Piura region in Peru ?
Not a single forest on the horizon : before the beginning of our project, local communities in the districts of Huarmaca and Pacaipampa lived on the edge of deforested areas. These former forest lands, which were converted into pasture some 50 years ago, were then severely degraded and threatened by soil erosion. This project, funded by Reforest'Action since November 2019 and carried out in the field by the Peruvian NGO Progreso, was born out of a very strong demand from local populations and municipalities. The goal : to reforest the mountains alongside the local communities, in order to fight against the advancing desert and soil erosion, and restore the forest cover as it used to be half a century ago.

Project management in the field
On the ground, the Progreso team works hand in hand with local district governments and farming communities. The NGO also takes care of monitoring the planted trees and raising awareness among the villagers on sustainable agriculture, which is more soil-friendly, as well as on the importance of preserving the forests.
After a first phase of seedling production in local nurseries during last fall, plantings took place in the districts of Huarmaca and Pacaipampa, from January to May 2020 . A total of 500,000 trees took root on the mountainside or in agroforestry within agricultural plots. Cedar-acajou, big-leaved mahogany, Andean alder, silver pine, eucalyptus saligna : a true plant cocktail made up of complementary species which will, as it grows, help to restore the soil, to protect the surrounding water sources, to provide timber and fuelwood for the local population, and to host increased wildlife. A breath of fresh air for these Peruvian regions marked by desertification.

Protection work was then carried out by our partner Progreso to keep the young shoots out of the reach of livestock. By fencing almost 100 hectares, Progreso ensures that the planted trees benefit from the best conditions possible while they are growing. The NGO will continue to monitor their development over the coming months.