Since 2016, Reforest'Action has been involved alongside the Urku Centre, an Amazonian research institute located in Tarapoto. The project aims to plant trees of various species in agroforestry in the Amazon rainforest. Discover the news of the last few months about our project!

Developing agroforestry in Peruvian Amazonia
In multiple localities in the San Martin region of Peru, the objective is to create agroforestry systems to develop the local economy and restore degraded forest ecosystems in the Amazon region. Our project is the only agroforestry initiative in the San Martin region, and intends to establish itself as an inspiring model for neighbouring communities.
During the year 2019, more than 60,000 trees of multiple species, funded by Reforest'Action, have been planted by local communities in their fields :
- Fruit trees such as the lemon, mango or cocoa tree will enable them to produce fruit for their personal use or for local trade. Fast-growing species such as acacia, rubber tree, capirona and bolaïna will allow them to produce wood and rubber without having to go directly to the Amazon forest. Agroforestry thus helps to diversify farmers' incomes and helps to avoid cutting down existing forests.
- High-yielding species such as mahogany cedar and bigleaf mahogany, two species classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, will shade the underlying crops and protect them from the wind. As nitrogen-fixing trees, they will also enrich cultivated soils by capturing essential plant elements from the atmosphere. Agroforestry thus also helps to maintain and diversify agricultural production.

Monitor tree growth over time
The plots planted thanks to Reforest'Action's funding are monitored by Daniel, founder of the Urku Centre, who regularly checks that the trees are growing in the best possible conditions. In 2019, 155 plots were audited by the Urku Centre. The follow-up work will continue over the next few months.

Integrating and training local communities
The Urku Centre also offers training in sustainable agriculture to the beneficiaries of the reforestation project. The objective: to raise awareness in the local communities of the importance of preserving the trees planted over the long term, and to achieve an autonomous development that respects their environment. Thus, 5 awareness-raising actions financed by Reforest'Action were carried out in the field by the Urku Centre during the 2019 season. These trainings benefited the 155 members of the communities associated with our plantation project.

Measuring and valuing the benefits of trees
The forest ecosystems recreated through our project already provide a multitude of invaluable services for climate, nature and local people.
- Agroforests regulate temperature locally and generate rainfall that benefits crops.
- They also protect the underlying food crops from too much sunshine or heavy rainfall.
- Local producers can harvest fruit or wood, either for their own consumption or to generate additional income from their sale.
- By restoring patches of forest, the plantations will help develop the eroded biodiversity of the Amazonian region of San Martin. In particular, the stump monkey, the red-footed turtle and the Ranitomeya fantastica frog will be able to find new shelter within these ecosystems.
- The local populations are made aware of the need to protect their environment and to take care of the trees planted over the long term.
Bravo and thank you to all our Reforest'Actors who contribute to this project! Click here to plant trees in Peru