Reforest’Action / Reforestation in Haiti : students are taking action
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Reforestation in Haiti : students are taking action


Around 700 Southern Haiti high school and junior high school students have been offered trees, within our Reforestation School Program, thanks to our partner Paul Mitchell. They planted more than 7000 of them, which will allow them to pay - in a few years - for their school fees. Mainly, thanks to cocoa beans sales.

7405: It’s the exact amount of trees that were given out to two schools in Asile. A small Haitian town located in the district of Nippes, in the Southern part of the Caribbean Island. Lately, MBSH Junior High School and Saint-Joseph High School were seething with excitement! Everyone was expecting with eagerness the trees that were to be handed in. All gathered in their schoolyard, more than 700 students received each one 10 young cacao trees. Then, they planted them back in their home garden, following the advice of their teachers. Our partner’s agronomist – namely Kaléos, also provided them with some helpful information.

By nurturing their cacao trees, the students will be able to harvest their first cocoa beans within 4 years. This organic cocoa will be a great supplement to add in many culinary preparations. Hence, reinforcing their family’s food security. The follow-up care of the trees is ensured by an eponymous Comity, made up of teachers. This Comity will regularly visit the families’ gardens. Therefore, making sure the trees growth is proper. Also, the members of the Comity can provide for advice if needed. After each visit, a grade will be attributed and incorporated to the students’ school report. What a great way to raise awareness about sustainable development, among youngsters in school environment !!