Reforest’Action / Reforest'Local: carbon offsetting with a positive impact in France
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Reforest'Local: carbon offsetting with a positive impact in France


Fulfilling the Paris Agreement objective of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 2°C by the year 2100 is a collective challenge. Companies play a leading role in this dynamic of the fight against global warming. Alongside the ongoing efforts to reduce their carbon footprint that they are invited to undertake, many of them wish to go beyond this by offsetting all or part of their incompressible emissions. Therefore, they are striving towards or achieving carbon neutrality.

Meeting company expectations

When they commit to a voluntary carbon offsetting approach, companies have several expectations: to obtain labelled carbon credits, to act locally, to develop co-benefits for their territory and to involve their stakeholders. However, until recently, no carbon offsetting solution ticked all these boxes.

Compensate globally, plant locally

In this context Reforest'Action has developed Reforest'Local, an innovative carbon offseting solution with a positive local impact. Both simple and stringent, the mechanism combines international Gold Standard or Verra carbon credits with tree plantations in France, as close as possible to the sites of the companies and their stakeholders. The strength of this solution combines the strict certification process of labelled credits with the creation of local co-benefits. And to fully satisfy the needs of companies, Reforest'Action offers them a range of tools to involve their stakeholders throughout their carbon approach.

Carbon offsetting and local co-benefits

Thanks to the reforestation projects in France included in Reforest'Local, companies can generate a range of local co-benefits for their customers and employees. Reforest'Action measures these environmental services in terms of climate, health, biodiversity and employment, which companies can then highlight.

Co-benefits in France for a 100K tons of CO2eq

  • 700 000 trees planted throughout Mainland France
  • Development of biodiversity on 600 ha
  • 600,000 hours of work created
  • Lifetime oxygen for 200,000 people
  • Reduction of the ecological footprint by 100,000 tons of CO2eq