The bi-annual meeting of the Steering Committee of SOPREEF enabled us to highlight important advances for our tree planting program in Senegal.
In order to directly involve villagers in the EESF (Energy Water Solidarity of Foundiougne) program, the SOPREEF, our partner in Senegal, has set up a steering committee that brings together all the local actors at least twice a year.

One of these annual meetings was held in June and was attended by more than 40 stakeholders: shareholders, producers, nurserymen and collectors from the region met to discuss the future of the program and the benefits already generated. This meeting made it possible to take stock of the evolution of the program, marked by considerable progress:
- A 25% increase in the total number of trees planted, all species combined;
- A better control of the production of sesame with a doubling of yield per hectare;
- A significant increase of 33 to 36% for the collection of moringa and castor seeds;
- A distribution of more than CFAF 10,000,000 (€ 15,267) in direct revenue to the program's stakeholders, in particular through the purchase by the local oil mill of various pressed seeds.
At a time when the first rains have started the rural work in the Sokone area, our trees continue to grow and bring hope for the upcoming harvests for the peasants. The good rainfall recorded since June will allow them to absorb enough water to continue their development during the 9 months of the dry season.

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