Reforest’Action / Sheyla, tree planter in the Peruvian Amazon
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Sheyla, tree planter in the Peruvian Amazon


Sheyla works alongside the Urku Institute on our plantation project in Peru. Thanks to their action and the support of our partner Paul Mitchell, over 5,500 trees have been planted by Reforest'Action in the Peruvian Amazon over the past three months.

In the field, the Urku Institute and members of the communities associated with the project are struggling to allow the young shoots, first raised in nurseries before being planted, to grow in the best possible conditions in the heart of the forest tropical. Among the men and women who work to reforest this region of Peru, the young Sheyla Flores participates in the administrative management of the project as well as the work in the nurseries.

For her, this work is a real opportunity to learn more about the nature that surrounds her, while completing her accounting studies. "In the past, forests were much more abundant than they are today. Planting these trees creates work for our communities, and will gradually allow us to find back the world we have lost", she tells us.

Among the 5,500 trees planted recently, there are many species such as moringa, cedrela odorata or Mayan walnut, all destined to restore the forest degraded by years of deforestation.

Help Sheyla and all our tree planters to revive their environment by planting your tree in Peru!