My Neighbor Totoro
This animated movie, a masterpiece of the Ghibli Studios, is a true ode to nature. As all the animated movie from the famous Japanese studios, nature holds a crucial place. In this wonderful movie that will touch both children and parents, two little girls are lost in a place between a dream and reality and mee Totoro, a protective being that guides through the meanders of the underwood.
Il était une forêt (There was a forest)
In this splendid documentary about the last primary forests in the world, the botanist Francis Hallé and the director Luc Jacquet travel through the forests of Gabon and Peru to reveal its hidden beauty. This motion picture encourages the protection of these spaces preserved from human transformation.
Captain Fantastic
Matt Ross presents in this fiction, an atypical family that leaves apart from society, into the woods. Through this movie that brims with life, he shows the hardship of a life in the wilderness: humans must adapt to nature's constraints, allowing them to enjoy its beauty.
Les Saisons (Seasons)
This documentary directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud shows us the animal life since the ice age and shows us the beauty of the wildlife, the abundance of animal life is dazzling and make us want to discover forests and its wonders.
L’ours (The bear)
Directed in 1988 by Jean-Jacques Annaud, this great movie telsls us about the life of an orphan teddy bear, a solitary bear and two hunters. We follow the life of the two bears within the forest and share their perspective on wildlife.