Reforest’Action / Projets / Guizhou - China
Saison 2022 / 2023
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Guizhou - China

Forest restoration and creation

Reforest’Action is partnering with the Chinese Guangxi Chongzuo Linda Forestry Company to create forests on the mountains of the "precious Land”.

Nombre d'arbres
549 160
Résumé du projet
Reforest’Action is partnering with the Chinese Guangxi Chongzuo Linda Forestry Company to create forests on the mountains of the "precious Land”. In western China, the Guizhou province is one of the poorest in the country. More than a quarter of its 40 million inhabitants live below the poverty line. 87% of Guizhou’s topography comprises rolling mountains, rich in natural resources. However, the region’s economic development is hindered by the fact that these highlands are hard to access and have little public transport. The project, which unfolds on public plots and cover a total area of 200 hectares in the vicinity of Guangzhao town, therefore aims to both regenerate the natural ecosystem and develop local economic opportunities.
Principales essences :
Cupressus pendula, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Alnus cremastogyne, Toona sinensis, Gleditsia sinensis
Nombre total d'essences :
Contributes to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect and influences precipitation patterns and the local microclimate.
Preservation of local biodiversity by providing suitable habitats and resources.
Influences the quality and integrity of the soil-water system, and the cycling of water and nutrients.
Supports human well-being, by providing resources, income, education, empowerment, and supporting culture and spirituality.
Contribuer aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)
Le projet Guizhou (China) contribue aux Objectifs de Développement Durable suivants :
Audit of the Guizhou project by reforest'Action Project Officier, Ade. Landscape of the Guizhou province, ChinaLandscape of the Guizhou province, China
Sur le terrain
Contexte local

Guizhou is Chinese for “precious land” and is located in western China. The region’s main source of revenue is its arable land. While Guizhou’s capital, Guiyang, is a modern metropolis, around half of the villages in the province still don’t have electricity or road links. In the 1960s, following Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward" stimulus plan, a wave of migration to the Guizhou province led to massive deforestation of the area to convert lands for intensive agriculture and mining. Since then, rapid economic development, population and agriculture growth have greatly degraded the soil. The preservation and restoration of forest ecosystems in China are now a top priority for the Chinese government, and Guizhou province is particularly targeted by a local strategy.

Actions sur le terrain

This project will create a forest on land that was previously covered by shrubs and grasses. To restore the land’s ecological properties as well as the biodiversity of the area, five native species well-adapted to the region are planted, including Chinese honey locust, Cypress, Chinese fir et Toona. In the long term, the future forest made of native species will help limit soil erosion, restore the ecological properties of the land, and ensure the resilience of the stand in the face of possible climatic or biological hazards. In terms of biodiversity, the presence of trees, including a fruit species, will contribute to the development of habitats for the fauna and flora. In this rural area, opportunities for the population to increase their standard of living are rare. The nursery work, planting, and maintenance of the trees will provide employment opportunities for local people. Once mature, the introduced species should allow the development of an economy based on the trade of tree resources. For example, the Chinese honey locust, used for the manufacture of cosmetic products, could be sold to the producing companies.

Partenaire sur le terrain

Guangxi Chongzuo Linda Forestry Company is an environmental company created in 2015. To date, it employs 500 people across the country and conducts projects that mainly concern southwest China. Its activity consists in implementing professional solutions and supporting good practices in forest management. For this purpose, it has received several awards from local political authorities, including the "Most Innovative Company" and the "Most Socially Responsible Company" awards.

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