Reforest’Action / Projets / Aceh - Indonesia
Saison 2021 / 2022
A financer

Aceh - Indonesia


Reforest'Action is partnering with the NGO Yakopi to restore the mangroves of North Sumatra and enable them to once again realise their wide range of environmental and socio-economic benefits.

Nombre d'arbres
375 000
Résumé du projet
Reforest'Action is partnering with the NGO Yakopi to restore the mangroves of North Sumatra and enable them to once again realise their wide range of environmental and socio-economic benefits. The project's mangrove restoration activities are closely linked to the socio-economic activities of the people and enable them to achieve sustainability in terms of resource renewal and livelihoods. Through the mobilisation of the populations, the project aims to ensure the sustainability of the restored mangrove ecosystems.
Principales essences :
Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina
Nombre total d'essences :
Contributes to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect and influences precipitation patterns and the local microclimate.
Preservation of local biodiversity by providing suitable habitats and resources.
Influences the quality and integrity of the soil-water system, and the cycling of water and nutrients.
Supports human well-being, by providing resources, income, education, empowerment, and supporting culture and spirituality.
Contribuer aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)
Le projet Aceh (Indonesia) contribue aux Objectifs de Développement Durable suivants :
Mangrove biodiversity.Mangrove tree planting.Mangrove tree planting.
Sur le terrain
Contexte local

Indonesia is the country most affected by deforestation in the world, with its forest disappearing twice as fast as in the Amazon. Mangroves, in particular, are the forest ecosystem that is disappearing at the most alarming rate. While North Sumatra province had 200,000 hectares of mangroves in 1987, less than half of this remains today with only 83,000 hectares. In Aceh province, the mangroves were also severely degraded by the 2004 tsunami. Land use change and forest degradation are the main causes of mangrove loss in Sumatra, which tends to be replaced by oil palm monocultures or intensive aquaculture ponds, when it is not illegally cut for charcoal production.

Actions sur le terrain

On the ground, the project relies on the mobilisation of the populations who participate in the collection of propagules, the maintenance of the plants in the nurseries and their planting. The restored mangroves will provide many ecological services, such as filtering debris and pollutants transported by marine currents, developing aquatic biodiversity, protecting coastlines against cyclones and rising water levels and sequestering carbon. Economic activities are also deployed by Yakopi to valorise the resources of the mangrove. The project allows for the creation of organic fish ponds which will be beneficial in the long term for the food security of the villages and the local economy. An economic sector has been developed around the production of sugar from the sap of the nipa palm, which allows the communities to benefit from an additional income. In order to prevent future deforestation, Yakopi also organises awareness-raising workshops for local communities.

Partenaire sur le terrain

The NGO Yayasan Konservasi Pesisir Indonesia (Yakopi) was founded in 2019 to accompany local people and young foresters in the creation and conservation of mangrove ecosystems. The NGO is composed of members of recognized institutions, professors and experienced executives, who assist the beneficiaries in developing a green economy. Reforest'Action has been funding the Yakopi project since 2021 and is contributing to its development across North Sumatra.

Actualités de Reforest'Action



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