Reforest’Action / Projets / Grandas de Salime - Spain

Grandas de Salime - Spain

Forest restoration and creation

Located in northern Spain, the project is rooted in the Asturias region, an area characterized by very low population density.

2021 - 2022
Nombre d'arbres
49 420
Résumé du projet
Located in northern Spain, the project is rooted in the Asturias region, an area characterized by very low population density. The cause was a fire that devastated the forest, particularly the Monterey Pine, in 2017. The initiative is part of a 450-hectare area to be restored. The reforestation area is located on a parcel at high risk of soil erosion. The approach involves a preventive approach, improved seeding and drone and satellite monitoring. Once restored, the stand will provide all its environmental, economic and tourist benefits. What's more, it is implemented by planters undergoing vocational rehabilitation. Finally, the trees will reduce soil erosion, promote the development of biodiversity and help combat climate change.
Principales essences :
Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris, Arbutus unedo, Betula verrucosa, Quercus pyrenaica
Nombre total d'essences :
Photo avant plantationPhoto avant plantationPhoto avant plantation
Sur le terrain
Actions sur le terrain

- Reforestation after fire - Stand diversification - Fire-fighting measures

Contributes to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect and influences precipitation patterns and the local microclimate.
Preservation of local biodiversity by providing suitable habitats and resources.
Influences the quality and integrity of the soil-water system, and the cycling of water and nutrients.
Supports human well-being, by providing resources, income, education, and supporting recreation and heritage.
Contribuer aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)
Le projet Grandas de Salime (Spain) contribue aux Objectifs de Développement Durable suivants :