Reforest’Action / Projets / Peyrelevade - France

Peyrelevade - France

Assisted natural regeneration

Located in the heart of the Regional nature reserve of Millevaches in Corrèze (Limousin), this natural site is part of the Natura 2000 network, a European network of special areas of conservation for habitats and species.

2022 - 2023
Nombre d'arbres
14 700
Résumé du projet
Located in the heart of the Regional nature reserve of Millevaches in Corrèze (Limousin), this natural site is part of the Natura 2000 network, a European network of special areas of conservation for habitats and species. This project of regeneration aims at re-establishing a diversified forest while making sure to respect as much as possible the natural processes of growth and renewal for the population. Nowadays, 14 700 trees of diverse species like Douglas fir, larch, spruce, pine and other deciduous trees are valued thanks to works. Eventually, this forest in the making will take part in the local economic development, as they will feed the timber industry. The restoration of this damaged ecosystem will help maintain a forest atmosphere and its landscape. Home to a rich biodiversity, this forest will also contribute to carbon storage and help combat global warming.
Principales essences :
Pseudotsuga menziesii, Larix sp., Picea abies, Abies nordmanniana, Quercus sp.
Nombre total d'essences :
Photo de la parcelle avant travauxPhoto de la parcelle avant travauxPhoto de la parcelle avant travaux
Contributes to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect and influences precipitation patterns and the local microclimate.
Preservation of local biodiversity by providing suitable habitats and resources.
Influences the quality and integrity of the soil-water system, and the cycling of water and nutrients.
Supports human well-being, by providing resources, income, education, and supporting recreation and heritage.
Contribuer aux Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)
Le projet Peyrelevade (France) contribue aux Objectifs de Développement Durable suivants :