26 056 300Trees planted

Still waiting for the rain in Senegal

The local farmers of the region of Sine Saloum in Senegal are still waiting for the rain to start to plant trees.

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senegal - hivernage - saison des pluies - reforestation - plantation - arbres - agroforesterie

In Haiti, the secret of complementary tree species

In Haiti, Nature keeps recovering after Hurricane Matthew. Our goal for the months to come? To keep planting complementary tree species to help its recovery.

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Haïti - Cacao - bananiers - plantation - reforestation

1500 trees planted on the island of Vallevecchia near Venice

Planting trees along the beach, a few cables from Venice, to help protect the lagoon and develop biodiversity: this is the beautiful project we were able to carry out this month thanks to funding from our partner Carbon Footprint and their clients.

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Venise - Italie - plantation - biodiversité - reforestation - reboisement - Natura 2000

Bringing the National Forest of Angeles back to life: John Paul DeJoria and TEA TREE teams plant 10,000 trees

John Paul Mitchell Systems (JPMS) and its TEA TREE brand have been a long-standing partner of Reforest'Action since 2013 : they are on their way to plant a total of 750,000 trees by the end of 2019 in Peru, Haiti and California! This year, they continue their commitment to working with us to restore Angeles' national forest, damaged by the Sand fire in 2016. On March 1st, TEA TREE teams planted the first 150 trees of the 10,000 plants funded by JPMS on this project. Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, took part in the planting alongside John Paul DeJoria, CEO of JPMS. Back in pictures on this exceptional event!

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forêts - plantation - Etats-Unis - Californie - incendie - reboisement - John Paul Mitchell Systems

2000 fruit trees planted near Aït Ourir in Morocco

The first plantation of the year took place in Morocco! 2000 fruit trees financed by Reforest'Action were planted in the town of Tamaguert, near Aït Ourir, on the occasion of the National Tree Day.

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Maroc - arbres fruitiers - permaculture - plantation

2 million trees planted with Reforest'Action!

In January 2018, the Reforest'Actors reached the 2 million trees planted on www.reforestaction.com. Let's continue together to have a positive footprint on the world by planting trees!

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arbres - forêts - reforestation - plantation - senegal - Maroc - Haïti - France - Inde - Pérou

20 000 cocoa trees to rebuild Haiti

Several hurricanes hit the Caribbean in September, and Haiti continues to rebuild itself, one year after hurricane Matthew. More than 20,000 young cocoa shoots were distributed this month to the Anse d'Hainault and Dame Marie families by our partner in the field, Kaléos. Take a look with us back.

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Haïti - cocoa - hurricane - plantation - tree nursery

Senegal: Growing profits thanks to our plantation program

The bi-annual meeting of the Steering Committee of the SOPREEF enabled us to highlight some important advances for our tree planting program in Senegal.

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senegal - arbres - plantation - reforestation