26 056 300Trees planted
The project is still growing
15/12/2014 - 0 comment
Paul Mitchell - reforestation
The heat isn't slowing down our project.
15/10/2014 - 0 comment
Heat - Peru - Guatemala - trees - reforestation
Peru saw the installation of Tree nurseries.
26/06/2014 - 0 comment
Peru - tree nurseries - reforestation
A huge plantation project was born
22/04/2014 - 0 comment
Paul Mitchell - reforestation - trees
New partner for a better future
30/01/2014 - 0 comment
Tress - reforestation - Partner
New partner for a better world.
06/04/2011 - 0 comment
Toy r us - reforestation - Tress
We are preparing for more trees coming!
12/01/2011 - 0 comment
senegal - Season - Planting Trees - reforestation
What a beautiful tree!
04/01/2011 - 0 comment
Mango Tree - reforestation
New project in new villages
15/12/2010 - 0 comment
senegal - villages - reforestation
We are now in English!
reforestation - America - trees - Crossing Atlantic