26 056 300Trees planted

China : planting trees in degraded wastelands

In China, Reforest'Action is supporting a forest landscape restoration project seeking to fight the desertification of degraded wastelands. To this day, 787,000 trees have been planted in the wastelands surrounding the Hulunbuir and Chifeng municipalities.

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China - Restoration - planting - wastelands - hulunbuir - chifeng - Great Khigan

Pomino: new prospects for the Florentine forest

In the heart of Tuscany, the forest of Pomino is being restored. Trees are being planted and the natural regeneration of the existed plants is supported to ensure the future of the forest.

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Italy - Tuscany - reforestation - planting - natural assisted regeneration

Forest of Lipusz: the calm after the storm

In 2017, a storm devastated the northern and western parts of Poland. As a result, nearly 80,000 hectares were ravaged. Three years later, this reforestation intends to restore a heavily affected forest massif situated in the municipality of Lipusz.

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Poland - Europ - storm - reforestation - planting

Amazon emergency: reforestation in action!

While Amazonia has been suffering from major fires for several weeks and the G7 has recently offered its assistance to Brazil, Reforest'Action is today launching #ReforestAmazonia, a major reforestation campaign. Objective: reduce deforestation and restore forests degraded by burning in Rondônia State, the most affected by deforestation in the Amazon.

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Amazonia - Brazil - planting - déforestation

100,000 Reforest'Actors: the world's largest digital community of tree planters

For almost 10 years now, Reforest’Action is gathering private individuals and companies in a vast reforestation project in France and in the world. This unique participative plantation system has founded a real community of small and big planters, which has just welcomed its 100 000th Reforest’Actor.

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Tree - forest - planting - Reforest'Action - subscriber

Reforest'Actor: Aude

For the birth of his daughter, Aude received 10 trees to plant with Reforest'Action. A symbolic gift that seduced her and that corresponds particularly to the messages she wishes to communicate to her daughter when she is older.

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trees - planting - community - birth - future

Akira Miyawaki, creator of primary forests

Master of the art of growing wild forests in less than 30 years, the most famous Japanese botanist in the world tirelessly pursues his goal of restoring forests as they were at the origin of the world before the intervention of man.


reforestation - forests - planting - trees - climate - planet - ecology - Miyawaki

Sheyla, tree planter in the Peruvian Amazon

Sheyla works alongside the Urku Institute on our plantation project in Peru. Thanks to their action and the support of our partner Paul Mitchell, over 5,500 trees have been planted by Reforest'Action in the Peruvian Amazon over the past three months.

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reforestation - forests - planting - trees - climate - planet - ecology