26 056 300Trees planted

The fynbos biome: a vegetation treasure trove with unique flora

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Cape Floral Kingdom, also known as the fynbos biome, stretches across the width of South Africa. It is a reserve for biodiversity and is home to invaluable flora including a myriad of endemic species. It is, however, threatened by the presence of invasive plants.

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South Africa - Cap Breede - Fynbos biome - flora - biodiversity - pyrophyte - active restoration

The reforestation of the Breede and Berg river banks continues!

Located along the Breede and Berg rivers in South Africa, the reforestation project supported by Reforest'Action and conducted on the ground by Breedekloolf Wine and Tourism (BTW) is unfolding in a positive way.

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South Africa - reforestation - biodiversity