26 056 300Trees planted

Reforestation is the planting of trees within an existing stand

Reforestation : All you need to know

Reforesting agricultural or forestry plots involves complex processes and special techniques. Here we review this practice designed to restore forest ecosystems across the world.

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reboisement - reboiser - plantation - plants - planter - arbres - pépinière - agroforesterie - Haie bocagère - terres agricoles - Forêt - micro-forêt - forêt urbaine - certifications - labels - règles - règlement - loi - aides financières - financement - législation - afforestation - comment reboiser - comment planter

A diversified forest in Wallonia

In Villers-devant-Orval, a village located in the province of Luxembourg in Belgium, a forest plot has been successfully reforested. The project was completed thanks to the support of our Reforest'Actors, Lansinoh, Stepstone Belgium and Arval Belgium. 

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Belgique - Wallonia - afforestation - bark beetles

Baerle: a farmland turned into a forest

After 4000 trees were planted, the municipality of Baerle in the Netherlands became home to an emerging forest, populated by a variety of species. 

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Netherland - agricultural plot - afforestation