26 056 300Trees planted

Reading tip : Hervé Le Bouler, Forêts. Des racines et des hommes, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2022.

Thanks to his love of life and scientific expertise, Hervé Le Bouler encourages us to learn more about the complex system of forests - a world of plants, animals, and people. "Forêts. Des racines et des hommes" serves as a sensitive and personal account that invites us to understand, as the pages turn, the history of forest ecosystems and what is happening there now. This effort helps us to imagine and accompany the change, helped by the optimistic advice of the author.

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forêts - régénérationnaturelleassistée - RNA - Diversité - climat - biodiversité - changementclimatique

What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)?

What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)?

The protection and restoration of forests, mangroves, and coral reefs, the conservation or restoration of wetlands, or the creation of urban green spaces… the so-called Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are inspired and supported by nature to provide environmental, social and economic benefits. They also help build resilience. They bring nature and natural features as well as processes into cities, landscapes or seascapes - through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions. Nature-based solutions are therefore supposed to benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. Preserving, managing, or even restoring ecosystems to meet today's societal challenges: such prospects offered by Nature-based Solutions are largely endorsed by Reforest‘Action. 

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Solutions fondées sur la Nature - NBS - Nature-Based Solutions - environnement - carbone - biodiversité - économie - entreprise - RSE - industrie - climat

In the Alpes de Haute-Provence, the adaptation of forests to climate change requires the inplementation of islands for the future.

In the state-owned forest of Issole (04), 2,650 trees were planted in partnership with the National Forestry Office, thanks to the support of our Reforest'actors and our contributor Enedis. The experimental introduction of various species will help testing their resistance to climate change at a local level.

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Forêt - biodiversité - climat - réchauffement climatique - adaptation - diversité des essences - ONF - enedis

Carbon offsetting: Reforest'Action's standpoint

Since companies contact us to act in the field of carbon offsetting, it is important for Reforest'Action to share its views on this practice. We are publishing a position statement with this in mind.

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compensation carbone - stratégie - réduction - empreinte - Bilan - entreprise - RSE - climat

"Notre Avenir S’appelle Forêt": Reforest‘Action publishes an unprecedented report on the future of French forests

Reforest’Action publishes today “Notre Avenir S’appelle Forêt” (Our Future is Named Forest), the first report that thoroughly analyses the ecological, economic and social issues of French forests during the 21st century and suggests answers to these challenges: the renewal of forests based on forest diversity as an ally.

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Forêt - France - avenir - Filière - reforestation - climat - santé - Insectes