26 056 300Trees planted

What is a "Carbon Budget"?

What is a "Carbon Budget"?

Like a household budget, climate scientists define the "Carbon budget" as the number of greenhouse gases that can be "spent" - or emitted, considering global warming. Exceeding this threshold could cause global temperatures to reach dangerous levels. Therefore, the carbon budget implies that we must change our activities to meet the predicted favorable scenarios.

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budget - carbon - CSR - net zero - industry - IPCC - Accord de Paris - Kyoto Protocol - émissions - réduction

Companies can save the Amazon: Stéphane Hallaire's opinion column

The figures are indisputable: deforestation continues to accelerate worldwide, particularly in Brazil, where 20% of the Amazonian forest has already been destroyed. For Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, companies have the extraordinary capacity, interest and historical responsibility to become the main financial backers of global reforestation. He expresses this in this opinion column published in Les Echos, France's leading business daily newspaper, on 5 August 2020.

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Amazon - forest - reforestation - déforestation - footprint - carbon - réduction

Carbon offsetting: Reforest'Action's standpoint

Since companies contact us to act in the field of carbon offsetting, it is important for Reforest'Action to share its views on this practice. We are publishing a position statement with this in mind.

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compensation carbone - stratégie - réduction - empreinte - Bilan - entreprise - RSE - climat