26 056 300Trees planted

Forest ecosystem restoration: a quality solution to support your Net Zero trajectory

More and more companies implement Net Zero trajectories based on standards such as the Net Zero Initiative or the SBTi. There are solutions in favor of the restoration of forest ecosystems that support these strategies - generating impacts that go far beyond carbon management alone. At Reforest'Action, financing carbon projects is essential for achieving global carbon neutrality. However, it should not be an end in itself. Indeed, adequate financing must take a broader view. It must include promoting and preserving biodiversity and allowing the development of benefits for local populations.

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#carbone - stratégieclimat - RSE - écosystèmes - forêts - SBTI - net zero - trajectoirecarbone - solutionsfondéessurlanature - biodiversité

What is a "Carbon Budget"?

What is a "Carbon Budget"?

Like a household budget, climate scientists define the "Carbon budget" as the number of greenhouse gases that can be "spent" - or emitted, considering global warming. Exceeding this threshold could cause global temperatures to reach dangerous levels. Therefore, the carbon budget implies that we must change our activities to meet the predicted favorable scenarios.

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budget - carbon - CSR - net zero - industry - IPCC - Accord de Paris - Kyoto Protocol - émissions - réduction