26 056 300Trees planted

Low Carbon Label and Reforest'Local: which carbon offsetting solution to choose to act with the forest in France?

The Low Carbon Label and Reforest'Local are the two solutions for companies wishing to offset their CO2 emissions while taking action in France. What does each mechanism offer and what are the advantages that distinguish them? Deciphering.

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Low Carbon Label - Reforest'Local - carbon offsetting - France - forest - local

carbon offsetting, France, credits, forest, co-benefits, local, biodiversity,  stakeholders

Reforest'Local: carbon offsetting with a positive impact in France

Reforest'Action has created Reforest'Local, an innovative carbon offsetting solution with a positive local impact that combines labelled international carbon credits with the planting of trees in France. Through this unusual mechanism, the company can generate co-benefits for its territory and its stakeholders.

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compensation carbone - France - crédits - Forêt - co-bénéfices - local - biodiversité - parties prenantes