Reforest’Action / Entreprises contributrices / ActiveViam

ActiveViam is concerned about the future of the planet and the climate crisis. We are committed to a voluntary approach to sustainable development, for example by initiating a Diversity & Inclusion Committee, by providing employees with a citizen engagement platform, or by regularly offering workshops on sustainable development issues.
3 000
arbres plantés ou préservés
Bénéfices estimés des arbres plantés ou préservés
teqCO2 estimées sur 30 ans
9 000
abris pour animaux crées
12 000
mois d'oxygène générés
3 000
heures de travail créées
For 18 years, ActiveViam has been working hard to help financial institutions make the best decisions and limit their risks by offering innovative technological solutions. Since its creation, ActiveViam has also been a company that values its employees, Diversity & Inclusion, solidarity, sharing, respect for each other are part of the values that make up its DNA.