26 056 300Trees planted

Companies can save the Amazon: Stéphane Hallaire's opinion column

The figures are indisputable: deforestation continues to accelerate worldwide, particularly in Brazil, where 20% of the Amazonian forest has already been destroyed. For Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, companies have the extraordinary capacity, interest and historical responsibility to become the main financial backers of global reforestation. He expresses this in this opinion column published in Les Echos, France's leading business daily newspaper, on 5 August 2020.

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Amazon - forest - reforestation - déforestation - footprint - carbon - réduction

In Spain, our project to restore burned forests carries on!

Here is news of our large project to restore fire-damaged forests, which we have been supporting since 2017 in the province of Palencia and surrounding areas in northern Spain with our partner Sylva Nova.

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forest - fire - biodiversity - species diversity

Pampers plants trees alongside Reforest’Action with their Harmonie range, made from plant-based materials

Until mid-January 2020, Pampers has made a commitment to plant 80,000 trees with Reforest’Action through their Harmony range. Created with plant-based materials and produced by 100% renewable energy, the Harmony range celebrates its first birthday today. This initiative with Reforest’Action is part of Pampers’ “7 Acts for Good” program, which aims to sustainably reduce the environmental footprint of their products.

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Pampers - Harmonie - nappies - environmental - Sustainable - CSR - forest - reforestation

Media: RTL and NRJ are committed to reforestation with us

As daily spokespersons for environmental news, the media are gradually committing themselves to the climate. Recently, RTL and NRJ, two of France's largest radio stations, have joined forces with Reforest'Action. Their objective: to contribute to the restoration of forests and raise awareness among their listeners.

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Média - environment - reforestation - forest - climate - Radio - RTL - NRJ

Our Ethics Committee holds its inaugural meeting

In mid-September, the first meeting of Reforest'Action's Ethics Committee was held in our offices. This inaugural meeting was an opportunity to review and validate documents related to our governance, ethics and communication.

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ethics - reforestation - trees - forest - CSR - partnerships - companies - Communication

Focus on the mangrove!

Essential tree in the intertropical regions, both for men and the biodiversity it shelters, the mangrove tree is now threatened by human activities and global warming. Let's discover more about the mangrove, what it offers and why it should be protected.

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mangrove - forest - Tree - reforestation - biodiversity

Top 5 movies that make you want to go to the forest

As summer is upon us and with the temperatures rising, there is a growing interest for the fresh and leafy undergrowth. Here is a selection of movies that make you go for a forest excursion and discover its mysteries!

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movies - forest - trees - nature

100,000 Reforest'Actors: the world's largest digital community of tree planters

For almost 10 years now, Reforest’Action is gathering private individuals and companies in a vast reforestation project in France and in the world. This unique participative plantation system has founded a real community of small and big planters, which has just welcomed its 100 000th Reforest’Actor.

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Tree - forest - planting - Reforest'Action - subscriber

Low Carbon Label and Reforest'Local: which carbon offsetting solution to choose to act with the forest in France?

The Low Carbon Label and Reforest'Local are the two solutions for companies wishing to offset their CO2 emissions while taking action in France. What does each mechanism offer and what are the advantages that distinguish them? Deciphering.

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Low Carbon Label - Reforest'Local - carbon offsetting - France - forest - local

5 songs to discover the forest in a different way

DJ Reforest'Action invites you to discover the forest in a different way, through the many mysteries it contains - invisible to the naked eye, and that you will nevertheless hear whispering if you listen...

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playlist - forest - music